PV Battery (Storage) Installation

Battery storage options have improved dramatically in recent years, with better products and lower prices, which makes investing in battery the sensible choice. Battery storage enables you to store excess solar and also charge from lower off-peak rates, reducing your electricity bills.

Solar panels are great at producing energy, but its most often produced during the middle of the day when there is lower consumption, which means that there is a surplus of power. A solar battery stores the excess generated solar electricity so that it can be used anytime, day or night, meaning you get greater consumption of your generated energy.

By generating and storing your own power you can take back control of your energy. We have customers with solar and storage who can almost reduce their cost of energy to zero for a large proportion of the year. It also means you are less vulnerable to the fluctuating energy prices.

Volt Energy Ltd - Electricians Specialising in Solar, Batteries, EV Chargers & A/C Heating & Cooling
Volt Energy Ltd - Electricians Specialising in Solar, Batteries, EV Chargers & A/C Heating & Cooling

Even without sunshine you can save money with battery storage.  PV batteries can also be configured to charge overnight when there are cheaper rates available (for example Octopus Go has a cheaper rate after midnight for 4 hours).  You can charge your battery fully during this time and discharge it during the day when you need it.  You don’t even need a solar system to take advantage of this cheaper form of electricity, although we would always recommend it if you can.